Problem Log Fields


Starting with version 4.32 of Goldenseal project management software, we've added some fields to the Problem Log and To Do List.

You can now track Caused By and Problem Price, and add a picture.

Suggested By

User feature request.

How to Use

These new fields are currently optional. You'll need to use Custom Layouts to add them, if you want to use them. To do so, follow these steps:

  1. Choose Custom Layouts from the Options menu, and choose Transactions from the submenu.
  2. Enter Problem Log or To Do List into the Transaction popup field at upper left.
  3. Select the Field tool in the palette on the left side of the window (fourth row left).
  4. Click in the layout, and drag a rectangle at the spot where you'd like to add a new field.
  5. You'll see a list of optional fields. Choose one, then click OK.
  6. When you are finished, close the layout and save changes.

NOTE-- If you like these new fields, please let us know! If they are popular, we will add them to the stock layouts.

Technical Details

Programmer note-- various support code added in CProblemLog.